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What are Known Books?

What are Known Books?

Known Books are books and information sources that have withstood the test of time and remained relevant throughout the ages.

What is Known Books?

Known Books has always been an information resource for you to live a life with peace of mind.

Known Books is a site dedicated to gathering pieces and parts of knowledge and information for you. Where to find information, who has it, who is selling it, and what is known about that knowledge and information. Most of Known Books is searchable. The public, and individual businesses are invited to add information to Known Books via Comments.

Known Books is a site about sharing the information we encounter during our everyday lives. Known Books is about revealing ideas and celebrating people; what they are doing, what is new, what they have and are offering, news celebrating accomplishments and hard work, changes to businesses and lives, new thought processes, new theories, the next ‘new thing’ and all the parts of our lives that are easy to get excited about and share.

Known Books is also a site about books, because we are passionate about books – whether to be entertained while escaping within a wonderful story or as a source of reference. Because most of the answers we are seeking to our questions are contained within books – we believe a book is always a great starting point, from infancy throughout our lives. Pages and pages of great learning starting points. Our purpose with Known Books is to make that information known for you.

The quest for answers can sometimes be a simple process of looking something up on Google or on any of the other popular search engines. Sometimes we need a horizon of information, from many sources, a different perspective, more pieces for our puzzle, a complete picture. And sometimes we really just don’t know where to begin. All learning begins with a ‘not knowing.’ We all have to start the quest somewhere.

Our desire with Known Books has always been to be one of your many stops along the way while you are looking for something. Whether it is the beginning, while in progress, or when you reach that “Ha! moment when everything makes sense and your thirst for knowledge and information has been quenched for a bit; until the next time a thought runs through your mind which begins with, “I wonder…..” or “Where is…..” or “where can I get…….”

Known Books will always be a work-in-progress.

For over eleven years Known Books enjoyed being a must-stop destination bookstore for visitors and book lovers from around the world (both walk-in and via the internet!). Even though we grew and flourished while on the main street of our tiny resort village of Suttons Bay in northern Michigan, a decision was made during 2006 to make a move across the street to a smaller storefront on the shores of Suttons Bay.

During 2007 we refined our business model further. We made one more move, one doorway north, into a suite of offices in the lower level of the Millside Building. With this final move we eliminated regular retail store hours and now concentrate our time and energy on the internet aspects of our business – both bookselling and the ongoing research and development of personal development products. We continue to serve as an information resource while facilitating an environment for individuals and business to discover and use universal laws of success!

We continue to maintain a suite of shelved books for our regular customers and have adopted the habit of telling everyone that they are “always welcome, if the lights are on and the door is unlocked to come on in, we are always happy to sell them something!”

Thank you for your continuing support.

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