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[14 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 5,513 views]

Personal Achievement – Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success
By Rita Blair
I’m sure you’ve heart of the book, “Think and Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill. Why is it that all of his books are so successful? Born in to poverty in 1883, it seems as though he tapped in to the Universal Secret of becoming successful financially, physically and spiritually.

Applied Faith, Success, The Mind »

[14 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 5,849 views]

Why Developing a Positive Attitude Can Move Mountains
By Des Ingham
Developing a positive attitude is the single most important factor to your success, both in a personal and a financial sense. The importance of being positive and taking what life throws at you and coming back for more cannot be stressed enough. If you carry this throughout your life your chances of success will improve a hundred fold and more.

Applied Faith, Goal Setting, Information, Masterminds, Napoleon Hill, Success, The Mind, Think and Grow Rich »

[13 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 2,357 views]

These are some great quotes by Napoleon Hill:
This information is from the 1937 edition of Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”

Masterminds, Success, Wealth »

[13 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 2,273 views]

Hill’s work is mostly about laying down personal targets and goals and about foreseeing success while being rooted in the present. Hill also believed that the positive attitude emanating from a group of positive-thinking individuals would be much greater than the sum of their individual positive attitudes. Hill had reached this conclusion after analyzing all the interviews he had conducted with American millionaires, most of whom were industrial tycoons – every millionaire that Hill interviewed stated that they tasted success only after they saw opportunities and found like-minded people who …

Applied Faith, Napoleon Hill, Success, The Mind, Think and Grow Rich »

[13 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 2,528 views]

Napoleon Hill when describing the power of Applied Faith defined six Forms of Riches
1. Sound Health
2. Peace of Mind
3. Labor of Love of Own Choice
4. Freedom from Fear and Worry
5. Positive Mental Attitude
6. Material Riches of Own Choice and Quantity.