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New App about Cottages :: The Cottage App

29 May 2012 6,628 views No Comment

App about CottagesNow available live in the App Store! (point tap download!)

Want to know what else you can do to have even more fun at the family cottage or vacation cottage this year?

This Cottage app is your answer! Download your FREE Cottage App today!

See why so many people are having more fun, what food they’re eating (and what and how to make all this stuff) plus great stories to read aloud (or by yourself if you dare) around the campfire.

Vacations at the family cottage are all about food, fun, fishing, boating and having fun on the water. And families.

Compiled in this app are great ideas to add to this fun including videos, photo galleries, recipes, stories, and great articles to add to every minute of fun times that you will spend with your family this year while spending your vacation at the family cottage.

Each area of food and fun ideas are organized for easy access.

Cottage App iTunes App StoreAnd when you get a lull and come in from the lake take one of the quizzes to challenge yourself or even those around you! Stump them if you can!

Everybody loves their vacations pictures. You can easily share the fun you’re having by taking your own pictures and uploading them to the app – and then share these with all your friends and family – but try to avoid rubbing it in about what a great time you’re having! But you can if you want because you can post to Twitter, Facebook or even email your friends with whatever message you want – and even send them your own cottage pictures. Cottage App New and Old Traditions Food and Fun Activities at the Family CottageSign off with a message of “having a great time… wish you were here… ” (or not???) You decide. The app makes it fun to share your time at the family cottage with those you care about.

Also included are sources for books and information about cottages and cottage living and photos that remind you of how special the family cottage really is and why we all love to spend time with our friends and families at the family cottage – or any lake side cottage!

This app will make being on vacation and the time you spend at the cottage more fun for you – and it is also a perfect mobile reference for safety tips, recipes, entertaining tips, and what your next sweet treat should be as you’re sitting on the dock watching and listening to the waves roll in.

Click HERE to Grab your FREE copy of the Cottage App today!

Cottage App

Lake Cottage App

Lake Cottage App on App Store

Lake Cottage App for Fun and Food

Cottage App

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