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Where Drive, Determination and Focus Comes From

8 July 2010 4,050 views No Comment

The Burning Desire to Win in “Think and Grow Rich”

Solid as a Dune

Drive, Determination and Focus

There is just no way around the fact that if you truly want something, then you will work tirelessly in order to get that which you desire. You simply can’t be lazy about your dreams and making sure that you turn them into a reality. Actively and passionately pursuing your dreams, with a burning desire, is what will separate you from simply being a person who wishes for x, y or z. In short, when you have a burning desire to win, the odds of success obviously are greatly improved.

You may know the story of Edwin Barnes who was determined to work for the famous Thomas Edison. This story is detailed in the book Think and Grow Rich. Barnes did not know Edison, but what Barnes did have was a tremendous amount of determination and a very focused mind. Barnes decided that no matter what, he was going to work for Edison. He was so resolute on this fact that he didn’t even have a backup plan of any sort. For Barnes there was only one real goal. There was only one thing he wished to obtain and that was to work for Edison. Any other goals that he may have otherwise had simply fell by the wayside as he pursued his goal to work for Edison with a de facto religious fervor.

In the end, while it took some time, Barnes made an impression on Edison and eventually Edison and Barnes did work together. It is safe to state that Barnes had focus, determination and drive and he needed all three in order to make his dream of working for Edison into a reality. Later Napoleon Hill would describe a man like Barnes in his book Think and Grow Rich as someone that was full of “Burning Desire.” Barnes ultimately had what it takes to make his dreams materialize into reality.

When Napoleon Hill wrote his classic work Think And Grow Rich, he capitalized the words burning desire every time that phrase was mentioned in the book. It always read “BURNING DESIRE.” The reason that Napoleon Hill chose to do this was because the concept of Burning Desire was so very central to his book, his philosophy and his writing. Hill knew that having that “Burning Desire” was the very heart and soul of success.

Drive, determination and focus are key elements in success. Napoleon Hill realized this fact and he knew that Burning Desire would encapsulate all of those three aforementioned concepts. If one has a burning desire to accomplish a given task, then one innately has drive, determination and focus. Thus those with Burning Desire will naturally have all three of these critical success components.

It is very important to point out that one must have a specific goal. Simply having a desire about nothing in particular or a murky concept will get you nowhere fast. For example, having a burning desire to be rich without any supporting thoughts or actions isn’t really a desire but an unfocused and scattered wish. However, anyone with a Burning Desire will have the focus that is key to making one’s dreams into a reality. There is just no way around this point. If you lack focus and do not even know what your desire truly is, then there is no way you can have any passion. Without passion and focus, you are not a dreamer. Sadly, you are nothing more than a wisher.

The classic book Think And Grow Rich has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. It has changed the lives of countless people, myself included. To learn more about this book and how it has been turned into a ground breaking video seminar package, click here and see how it could change you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Carolan

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