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Some Players Who Refuse to Be Beaten Have a Positive Mental Attitude

14 July 2010 5,850 views No Comment

Why Developing a Positive Attitude Can Move Mountains
By Des Ingham

Developing a positive attitude is the single most important factor to your success, both in a personal and a financial sense. The importance of being positive and taking what life throws at you and coming back for more cannot be stressed enough. If you carry this throughout your life your chances of success will improve a hundred fold and more.

Napoleon Hill, in his seminal book `Think And Grow Rich`, called it applied faith, you can do it if you believe you can. It is funny how it is very rarely the most talented or cleverest people who get to the top of their chosen profession. It is the ones with a positive attitude, who have the drive and determination to fail, sometimes time and time again, but come back for more because they know in their heart that eventually they will succeed.

And of course success is all the sweeter for it, if you have looked adversity in the face and beaten it you will enjoy it all the more. People who have developed a positive attitude are not put off by setbacks, they just see it as another great challenge to overcome. They know that their will to succeed is far too big for anyone or anything to stand in their way.

I often have watched professional football matches, and seen certain players who had very little skill or technical ability, but keep getting picked by their coach week after week, and wondered why this was.

And now I realize that in every team you need some players who refuse to be beaten. When the team or 2-0 down away from home on a stormy day, with the opposition kicking lumps out of you, you need players who will not accept defeat, and however difficult the situation they fight to the very last minute.

They might not be the best player, but their positive attitude drags the rest of the team along with them, and so they are worth their weight in gold to the coach. The coach knows he can trust them implicitly every time that they go out on the pitch for the team.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Des_Ingham

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